Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Island Time

This post gives up all pretense of the blog title (unless you call it between the continents of America and Europe); however, it does take place on an island - Manhattan.

A family wedding was the catalyst for the trip and De Anne (ever the explorer) used our free time to put us on a forced trek through the canyons of this island. I now know my way around NYC, above and below ground, but lack the foresight to see when this data will be of use again.

Prerequisite pictures of Times Square:

The view from Lisa and DeLinda's room on the 38th floor of the Four Seasons hotel:

In Central Park:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deja vu

We are in Homestead Florida for a few days and had a picnic lunch yesterday at Bayfront Park. It was a beautiful place to look out over Biscayne Bay; however, since it was on the continent I did not report it.

Today we went down to the Keys. Since it is my blog I get to decide what is "between continents". We had another picnic lunch overlooking Tarpon Basin on Key Largo. Chatted with a couple cruisers and listened to a couple 50ish single gentlemen cruisers arguing under a tree. It was a deja vu moment. Followers of the old blog may remember we spent a week in Tarpon Basin waiting for the wind to drop below 20 knots.

Tarpon Basin today:

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Adiós República Dominicana

Neighbors Hubert and Maria offered to take us to the Sosua bus stop for the first leg of our trip home. That plan was modified when Hubert and Bruce decided to take us on a cross country road trip using the scenic route and deliver us to the airport.

A couple stops on the way.
On the north coast bluffs:

Our friends Hubert and Bruce:

Highway rest stop:

We are now back in the USA and already missing the Dominican Republic and our new friends.

Just a couple weeks until our next trip into the asphalt jungle of New York City.