Saturday, September 30, 2017

Temp vacation

Our refugee status ended when we traveled north from Atlanta to Jasper GA. Roughly 50 miles or 2 to 3 hours in metro Atlanta traffic. We rented a cabin for 10 days with the goal of attending a family wedding and reunion then spending the remaining time with Tristan and Kat in the North Georgia mountains.

Alas, Tristan's ship was called to hurricane relief and all leaves were cancelled. My plan had been to send Tristan off hiking with De Anne. As a young, fit Navy Officer and amateur marathon runner I thought him the ideal candidate to keep up with De Anne's long stride and mile-eating ways. So much for that plan.... I have accompanied her, and slowed her down.

My least favorite hike was an early morning excursion on Burnt Mountain. We were the first people of the day on the trail. I am sure of this fact since my face broke a few spider webs. I kept picking up increasing larger sticks until I had one 6 feet long. Try waving a 6 foot 10 pound stick constantly while hiking a rough trail with your wife behind you laughing.

Given a choice I opted one day for water falls. The brochure mentioned a quarter-mile trail to the falls. Just the right distance for me to hike. Not mentioned were the hundreds of stairs next to the falls.

From the top of the falls

Our temp vacation is ending, so time to head back to Siesta Key to resume our permanent vacation. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fun with Irma

Watching the path of Irma a week ago we were unconcerned as the path showed it on course up the east coast about 150 miles from us. Sure, we would get tropical storm conditions, but nothing we had not encountered before.

Then the NWS moved it inland 50 miles. That was vexing, but we stayed firm in our plans to stay put on Siesta Key. 12 hours later the projected path was moved another 50 miles west and closer to us with a voluntary evacuation recommended . We remained semi-firm. Finally, late on Friday morning a mandatory evacuation order was issued. We considered our options for a couple minutes and decided to flee in panic with a few million other Florida residents.

Interstate 75 was so horrible, it was almost like a normal travel day on Interstate 95. We arrived at De Anne's sisters' home Saturday afternoon making the 8 hour trip in 11 hours. Sunday we helped secure all items that could blow and awaited a degraded Irma to arrive.

Even seriously depleted Irma still had some punching power. Monday afternoon an enormous oak tree in their back yard fell. It went the only direction possible to miss a house but managed to fill the backyards of two neighbors. The oak slid down another large tree, which horizontally joined the first an hour later.

Base of oak with dog included for scale.

Good news from our next door neighbor. She stayed with family on the mainland in Sarasota and let us know the condo complex weathered Irma unscathed. Our refugee status with be temporary.