Thursday, March 22, 2018

Alpha bird

We are settled on Longboat Key and enjoying our marina-front villa. At least "villa" is the term used in the mobile home park to distinguish our fixed condos from the mobile homes.

These mobile homes look just like the ones in Martinsville, Indiana and sell for the same price as the Indiana ones plus $100,000 to $130,000 more because it is Longboat Key.

 We have met our immediate neighbors and they are a fine group, except for Henry. He is a great blue heron and is the alpha bird in the marina. He occasionally clears the pelicans and cormorants off the docks for no other apparent reason than he can.

 Henry got tangled in fishing line last week and had a hook stuck in his wing. The marine biologists from Mote Marine came out and freed him. I took pity on him and (disregarding neighbor advice) fed him a couple shrimp. Even though I fed him down the dock, he figured out where I live and stands outside our door waiting for me. A new chore for me is hosing down the sidewalk.

Henry waiting:

When Henry lets his guard down others will beg from De Anne: