Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fishing village

The south side of the beach has a small fishing village. When idle, the boats rest on big logs. Launching involves rolling the boats from the logs on to a trailer for a short trip to the waters edge. Pushing the boats around then out through the surf takes several people. Men, women, and the occasional child pitch in to help. Once floating the boats are poled out far enough to lower the 75hp outboard.
Some of these boats might go off fishing alone, but most tie off to larger fishing boats waiting just offshore. When 6 to 8 smaller boats are tied to the mother ship in two rows it is off to sea. The smaller boats tend the fishing nets of the big vessel.
When we asked what they were fishing for - the answer was: "Anything they can catch". De Anne and I will visit the local fish market this week and next door is the boat building yard where the fishing boats are constructed with hand tools and wood.

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