Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Capitol week

De Anne and I spent 10 days at home before getting back on a plane. We felt the urge to cheer Tristan as he ran in the Marine Corps Marathon and so invited ourselves to stay with him in his 1 bedroom apartment on the Potomac River - Virginia side. With foresight and planning we had left a queen size airbed with him on a previous trip, so our sleep was assured. Once Mama was cooking his favorite meals the pain of parents on-site was greatly eased.

 De Anne accompanied Tristan to the start line in Arlington Cemetery while I positioned in front of his apartment building which was mile one of the marathon. He almost caught me not ready to snap a picture. The wheel chair racers left the start line first, then the "pro runners", then the pack appeared. Tristan was sprinting and moving towards the front of the pack.

 Tristan in red shirt and black shorts. The far left runner in the first picture and on right side of the second picture. The man in black in the second picture is the doorman in Tristan's building and ran out into the street to give him a high five.   (click to enlarge)

He maintained a fast pace for 20 miles, then had to slow down. He still managed to sprint the last quarter-mile to the finish line near the Iwo Jima memorial and finished in just over 4 hours.

 Tristan survived the day; however I was worn out trying to catch him along the route around the Washington monument. I thought I could catch him using the subway, but I (or maybe the subway) was not fast enough. 

After a couple days of recuperation I was ready to venture forth again. We visited the National Zoo. The entry fee is free - thanks all you taxpayers!

 Strange zoo sign.

Giant Panda relaxed and enjoying bamboo.

Giant Panda looking good against the fall foliage.

This concludes our trips for 2015..... maybe.

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