Sunday, May 8, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

I have always been a bit slow. 35 years into this marriage I am still learning the same lesson. The oft forgotten lesson is De Anne's freedom to go where and when she wants (see "Free Range Wife" elsewhere on this blog).

Last year De Anne wanted a kayak so I got a big tandem kayak that we could paddle around together. For the sake of argument let us say I like to go kayaking once a week, but De Anne might want to kayak every day.... right after her 18 mile bike ride and before her 6 mile beach walk. You can see, this is an impediment to her freedom if my presence is required to launch a kayak that is beyond her ability to portage to the water.

Which brings us to Mother's Day 2016 and her gift which she splashed (solo) today:

Travel update: Tristan and Kat are planning an October wedding. We will gladly delay our trip to the land down under.

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