Wednesday, September 28, 2016

From the pagoda

In the last post is a picture of the pagoda strategically located by the Neuse river. The pictures below were taken from the pagoda.

 This past weekend the neighborhood hosted a triathlon. The first picture shows the boat collecting the race-around buoys used in the swim leg of the race. Being inherently lazy I watched the running leg of the race from the rocking chair on our porch, and I did it without shame. I did ride my bike down to the pagoda at the end of the race.

 Today a barge was positioned to build a fishing dock. There is a wedding scheduled to occur on the dock this Saturday. I will be impressed if the dock is completed in time; however, I may never know since we move down the road Friday.

Note both pictures are almost the same angle.

It was fun to watch the crew drive the piers 10 feet down into the river bottom. 

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