Tuesday, November 1, 2016


It has been a busy couple weeks and I have not had a chance to post before today.

Tristan and Kat had a formal wedding at the Omni in downtown Washington DC on Oct 22nd. Although they had a civil ceremony on June 10th, the day after Tristan graduated from his Master's program, she and her family wanted the full ceremony in a nice setting.

It was quite the event with 2 days of parties, gazebo wedding, and formal dinner and dance afterwards. My role was father of the groom, which entailed little responsibility, and also best man which added a bit more. I did run the aisle more than anyone else since I had to walk the mother of the groom (known on all other days as De Anne) then run back down the side to enter with Tristan. Afterwards I walked the Maid of Honor out then ran back up for De Anne. Don't worry - I made it look good! De Anne, of course, was stunning in a floor length, off the shoulder, slinky black and white gown. Even though I clean up well and was in a tux I am sure people were wondering what a woman like that was doing with an ugly brute like me.

 We did return to Virginia Beach where he and Kat now live while Tristan is stationed in Norfolk. All four of us returned from DC with matching colds.

 We took it easy knowing we were a few days away from a 1,600 mile cross-country trip. Alas, rest did not make us well, so De Anne and I crossed the country coughing and blowing and spreading germs from state to state. Should you hear news reports of wide spread illness across the southern states of America - you gentle reader will know the cause.

In Louisiana I spotted a billboard for an urgent care center at the next exit and made a command decision to stop. After $386.00 in doctor fees and dropping $120.00 at the Walmart across the street for various meds we continued our journey west. The doctor did give us both shots and a double dose of pills plus some liquid codeine to help us sleep. It made today's travel tolerable. I consider the $500.00 an investment in continued life.

 We are now in a cute cabin in Bayside Texas overlooking Copano Bay.

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