Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Home for a month

Our home for a month is an apartment in a family compound just off the edge of San Juan's best beach. The walled compound contains 2 rentals, amother-in-law suite, and the main home. Our unit's nicest feature is the patio which we share with the family cat.

Cat gets the couch and we get the rockers:

Our little street of about 8 homes is a U just off the main road and both entrances to the U are gated. We are so close to the ocean that a couple times spray from breaking waves has cleared the compound wall and hit hit me, causing me to think for a second that it was starting to rain.

Years ago an unscrupulous developer tried to extend his building project into the sea and was shut down - leaving the foundation and pilings in the picture below. This foundation catches the wave action and creates the occasional far-reaching spray previously noted.

Just to our west is one end of the Isle Verde beach anchored by a breakwater and fingers which create a natural saltwater pool.

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