Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ding Darling

Yesterday we loaded our bikes and took off for the wilds of Ding Darling park on Sanibel Island. This lovely island is a much desired visit as the bumper to bumper bridge traffic proved. The toll was $6 to enjoy the 3 mph crossing and the most expensive part of the trip as my lifetime senior pass covered the park admittance. One of the perks of being an old fogey.

 The ranger was looking at me when he showed us a map with a shortcut back should we elect to not bike the entire 7 mile route. We did see the sign "Cross Dike" while riding by, but were past it when I realized it was referring to the short-cut, and not a warning sign.

 We joined some bird-watchers at a lookout and when I unzipped De Anne's backpack to retrieve the camera the zipper sound caused the group of serious bird-watchers to turn towards me with shaming looks. I waited a few moments for their attention to return to the flock and surreptitiously took this picture.

I completed the full 7 mile ride, or as De Anne would characterize it - a warm up. 

Time to find a beach! Unfortunately, millions (ever so slight an exaggeration) of others had the same idea before us. We retreated back to our place where the beach is across the street. 

Today is a high, high tide and a picture from 2:30 pm to prove it. Note our porch almost at sea level. De Anne is finishing the cleanup on her kayak. Tomorrow's tide might be a bit higher.

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