Sunday, July 29, 2018

Virginia Beach

Our son and daughter-in-law are on a two week cruise vacation in the Caribbean. Don't ask why a Navy Officer thinks two weeks at sea is a vacation.

They have left behind, in our care, a 13 year-old cat, a 2 year-old dog (Transylvania hound) and 7 month old baby.

De Anne and I have divided the duties. She takes care of the baby and I take care of the animals. Perhaps not an even division of labor, but I have no complaints.

Of course our first grandchild - Logan, is exceptionally beautiful and lots of fun 23 and a half hours a day. The last half hour of the evening, when he is tired (and De Anne is too) is the slightly rough spot of the day. The first day of our solo experience coincided with Logan discovering how to crawl rapidly. He races across the floor, bypassing a few hundred toys for the real prize - the dog chew toy. When thwarted from that endeavor his next goal is tipping over the cat's food and water bowl.

As much fun as this is we do occasionally miss our island and beach sunsets.

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