Sunday, June 30, 2019


Three weeks ago De Anne fell at home and hit her head on the front door. The Longboat Key fire department has two stations equidistant from us so the response was quick. She was unconscious the entire time including the fast ride to the hospital. I on the other hand did suffer trauma having watch the woman I love braced onto a back board with four EMTs working hard to stabilize her.

She awoke in the Emergency room but, because of a concussion, was only semi-coherent for the next few hours. A battery of test showed that besides the concussion she had a cracked C2 neck vertebra.

De Anne is now fine except for the head brace she must wear until cleared by the neurosurgeon (hopefully in 3 weeks). I have chastised her - pointing out that my master plan calls for me to go first and that I forbid any future accidents.

 On a more humorous note: folks from Tennessee rented a slip in our marina for a few days and forgot we have tides. They tied it to the dock for convenient on and off. On a rising tide the bow of their pontoon boat was just under the concrete lip of the dock resulting in the stern coming out of the water.

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