Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Dinner Key

 We made it to Dinner Key mooring field Monday afternoon and will stay three days with a Thanksgiving Day departure scheduled. The marina is still being repaired from Irma almost three years ago.

Empty slips still being reconstructed:

Our trip down the ICW was uneventful with the major exception of a large cargo ship entering Port Everglades in Ft. Lauderdale. We were in a line of other boats that all turned left to go out to sea leaving us alone crossing the ship channel. Looking left we saw a cargo ship bow on about a mile away. That may not seem close to landlubbers; but trust sailors when they tell you that is way too close! I put the wheel over hard and gunned it like a sissy. We did lazy circles for half an hour then continued down the ICW past the port terminals. 

We passed the same cargo ship docking with the help of a tug. The tug pushed as we went by and the surge of water was huge. The boat surfed sideways and the crew nearly experienced loose bowel syndrome. Once again - pedal to the metal escape.

Monday happy hour was a special treat!

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