Thursday, December 17, 2020

A few boat bucks

Tuesday we made the 10 minute trip to the Marathon Boatyard. Five hours and 18 boat bucks later (for you landlubbers a boat buck is the smallest denomination for sailors and is equivilant to $100 in US currency) we pulled out with 2 new house batteries, a new generator battery, and both diesels gone over and maintained as needed.

 Leaving the boat yard required 200 yards down a very narrow canal. Just as we were about to enter the canal a big 55-60 foot cabin cruiser entered from the oppisite side. With a few choice oaths I got as far over as possible and told De Anne to tell the other captain to hurry up. The boatyard workers gathered in a hurry and yelled to me that he was coming in under one engine. I held back on noting that I always had one engine and concentrated on not hitting any boats on my right as he passed inches away on my left. One boat had a sailing dinghy side tied and our fenders tangled with it. De Anne leter told me that the condition of the sailing dinghy was rough and it would be hard to prove anything aganist us. We went out into the Atlantic (Ok, only about one mile) opened it up and checked everything was working fine. 

 The mooring folks have been collecting money for bikes for under-privileged kids. Some of the results:

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