Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It takes a village

Fishing is a team effort. A dozen fisherman from the nearby village used a boat to string a net in front of Linda's place yesterday.

They started with 5 men ashore anchoring a rope fixed to a long net. The boat containing 3 men and a huge pile of net slowly unwound the net into the ocean. Making a half-mile arc they fed the line on the other end ashore to more waiting men. With slow but steady pressure they pulled the lines in at both ends and sideways down the beach. Once the wood spreader ends that held the net open were in the surf a couple men on both sides started working the net itself.

More folks from the village showed up for the final pull. The excitement among the birds increased as did the number of birds, all anticipating the catch. Their anticipation was justified as the small fish were flung into the air for the birds to pick off in flight.

The men and women had what looked to be a free-for-all picking fish out of the net; however, I suspect some unwritten agreement prevailed, as everyone left with a bag or box of fish and a happy expression.

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