Sunday, December 9, 2012

A few favorite pictures

This will be the last post for a while. Family matters will keep us busy for a few months; however, our next trip is in the works and we will be blogging from Italy - and just when I was getting a handle on Spanish.

I found out the second time I witnessed a net pull how the catch is divided. If you show up and pull you get some fish.
 Go ahead and click to enlarge pics. They are better full screen. (Next 3 pics by Helena Dusseljee)
Two little girls examine their bag of fish
Several stingray caught in the net are freed
OH NO! Not another picture at the point!
At Thanksgiving dinner Lordis, the attorney is on the phone again and hiding behind the potted plant
Vivi (Colombian) and Gary (German) decorating for Christmas
Yes, I did climb these stairs in Cuecna
And finally - the classic shot that sums up Ecuador

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