Sunday, December 9, 2012

Walk through Cuecna

On our last full day of our two months in Ecuador we took a 2 dollar taxi ride to the Inca ruins on the other side of the city. After an interesting couple hours in the Pumapungo Museum we walked through the terraced ruins.

In one section we saw a collection of indigious birds including these parrots:

De Anne, the rentless walker, decided we should walk back to the heart of the old city. Her inticement for me was the final destination - a wonderful ice cream shop on the main square discovered the day before.
Scenes along the way:

Politician and his followers:
While enjoying my walking reward De Anne came up with a new plan. We would walk back to the river and follow it back to Bonnie's apartment. She offered me an out - I could catch a cab back; however, macho man that I am, I agreed to accompany her on foot, knowing I could hail a taxi anywhere in the city within 60 seconds should I feel close to expiring.
The way down to the river:
Four miles later she praised my perseverance while never complaining about the slow pace of my short, stubby legs.

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