Friday, September 6, 2013

Once more unto the breach dear friends

We wrapped up our tour of Rome with a site not requiring public transportation. We walked to San Giovanni in Laterano. This was the center of the Roman Catholic world for a thousand years, before St. Peter's was built. It is still the home church of the Bishop of Rome (ie: the Pope). Anyone elected Pope is not officially the Pope until he sits in the white bishop's chair in front of the first artistic rendering of Jesus.

The bronze doors once opened on to the Roman Senate. De Anne adding some scale.
From the transept.
Across the street are the Scala Santa, holy stairs. Emperor Constantine's mother went to Jerusalem in 326AD and brought back the 28 marble steps from Pontius Pilate's house. You can look, but if you want to climb you have to do it on you knees. For €2.50 the gift shop will sell you the booklet with the correct prayer to say on each step. I opted to just watch. The line up was not moving very fast.
After I took the picture De Anne whispered that pictures are not allowed.

Now all we have left to do is try to get out, since we overstayed the 90 day EU tourist visa. If necessary I will be my usual sweet self.

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