Saturday, October 26, 2013

Free range wife

Our cruise was relaxing, a little exciting, and a herd experience. We have discovered the truth of the old World War I song "How ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Paree?".  We met some nice people and it was an overall enjoyable experience, but we have gotten use to doing what we want, when we want.

 I have a free range wife that does not like to run with the herd. In Belize I hung out on the waterfront while De Anne checked out a tourist shop. She discovered the back entrance to the store and a gate to the rest of Belize City. She just wanted to see the other side for a minute; however, a pair of military policemen turned her back into the tourist section telling her it was not safe past the gate.

 We did have a couple of snorkeling stops in Cozumel and on Grand Cayman that she really enjoyed. In Cozumel we took a cab to a beach bar where she could relax under a thatched cabana while I snorkeled the reef and vice versa. Our cab driver returned after four hours and he and I together stood on the pier and waved her in. On Seven Mile beach in Grand Cayman she snorkeled with an English couple while I watched everyone's beach bags. I had hurt my foot on a lounge chair the day before and therefore was relegated to guard duty. Seven Mile beach is De Anne's new favorite beach in the world (until her next new favorite).

 Our police escort leaving Cozumel.
On the waterfront in Belize City.
Roatan, Honduras. The importance of staying inside the channel markers.
Seven Mile beach. See the dive boats in the distance. Without fins, De Anne snorkeled almost that far out.

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