Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

I used an old saying on a previous blog that is quite apropos now: "Life is what happens when you are making plans".

Our tours of far away and out-of-touch places is being put on hiatus for a few years. We are making plans to buy an RV and make a few loops around the USA.

 Our elder son, a Navy Officer, was supposed to be stationed in Maryland for the next three years after two foreign tours in Japan and Diego Garcia; however, the government changed its' and his plans. He will return briefly to the States for special combat training and language instruction then ship off for the first of two overseas tours.

 Some day you may wake up and find an RV in your driveway. Be careful what you wear when you charge out the door. I do love a good action picture for the blog.

 De Anne and wish all of you a Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! You are always welcome on our driveway, Venice, Florida in the winter months or Lake Charlevoix, Michigan in the summer. Hope to see you in 2014!
