Sunday, April 20, 2014

The other traveler

While we are currently (and temporarily) "trapped" at home for the next month I have lived vicariously through our oldest son and his world travels over the past three years. Truth be told, he has gone further than us although some of that travel has been compliments of the US Navy.

Below is a sampling of pictures from our young traveler; however, he was not diligent in a few places. He did not snap a few pictures in Hong Kong while acting as Officer in charge of Shore Patrol, touring bars and looking for misbehaving sailors. He also did not get photos of the famous B-girls in Singapore while on liberty. We shall make do with the following:

 In Japan aboard the Curtis Wilber:
He and a fellow officer climbed Mt. Fuji:
Two weeks in China:
In the Philippines - a visit to Corregidor:
Playing with a tiger cub in Thailand:
Going native in Cambodia (who talked him into that!):
Visiting Seam Reap in Cambodia:

I hope you enjoyed this little sidebar. We will be traveling again in June!

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