Monday, June 9, 2014

Atlantic coast

We have spent the past two days touring the coast in both directions from Halifax. No mean feat considering the price of gas in Canada. Sure, it looks cheap when you see the signs at $1.37; however, that is the price per liter! 

Everything seems more expensive here, especially if you have any vices. For my evening rum and coke I add rum with an eye dropper. I have purchased one pack of smokes and named each cigarette. At lunch time yesterday we stopped at an unassuming spot and a salad, 5 wings, order of onion rings, and two diet cokes was $31.00 before tip.

Enough whining! Canada is beautiful, and the people friendly, helpful, and exceeding polite. The only culture shock is that Canadians are just like Americans were before Americans got crabby, grouchy, and grasping.

Rant over.... Now back to the tour.....

The most photographed lighthouse in Canada at Peggy's Point.

There were warning signs leading to the lighthouse.

Just to drive home the point - another warning on the lighthouse.

Note the aforementioned black rocks. What we call wet rocks.

Notice the difference a day makes - sunshine! This is still called a beach, even if covered with softball sized pieces of rock.

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