Saturday, June 7, 2014


Yesterday we ran the waterfront in Halifax. Several miles have been gentrified with a boardwalk, historic warehouses selling souvenirs, and a mix of old and new boats. 

We had noted a huge, beautiful trawler hailing from Alaska at dock. When we returned a group of teenagers were in a sailing/rowing dory next to the big private trawler. The teens were getting instructions - important stuff like "don't fall out of the boat", and "if we capsize swim to the bow of the boat".

The owner of the trawler arrived on deck to watch the dory prepare to leave. I admired his seeming lack of concern when the teens hoisted the big oars to attention. One slip by a teen and a 10 foot wooden paddle would hit his perfect, as yet unmarked hull. As soon as the dory was released from its lines it drifted the three feet over to the trawler. The dory captain and mate scrambled to push off.

After the dory was out of harm's way I called out to the trawler owner "You are a braver man than me. I would have had a boat hook out." He laughed and said "I didn't want to make anyone even more nervous."

Looking out to sea, the entrance to Halifax harbor.
Along the waterfront.

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