Thursday, October 20, 2011

Missed a beach

We returned to Sosua - for lunch, a little shopping, and to see a beach we missed.

This time when we got to town we took a turn down a small street we had missed on our last trip. It was lined with many tiny shops and every shopkeeper greeted us in english and invited us in. The common refrain: "Everything two for one today!".

Another couple blocks and we were walking down a shady sand lane with trees, then beach to our right and more tiny shops, and bars to our left. Again, the unflaggingly friendly Dominicans tried their best to entice us into their shops.

We decided to walk back along the beach. We discovered the beach chairs were the property of yet many more Dominicans. A man would ask if we wanted chairs in the shade, some were even 2 for 1. The next guy about 10 feet down the beach having just heard our previous exchange, would offer his beach chairs. I have perfected the fine art of the slightly extended arm and downward palm back and forth. Other than everyone wanting to make sure I didn't have any loose pesos in need of spending it was an idyllic setting barely done justice by my poor little camera. Maybe Santa will get us a new one before our next trip.

After a little street wandering we decided on Britianna Pub for lunch. The owner chatted with us after lunch and divulged that the jitney ride fare should be 25 pesos per person. He said "Don't ask, just hand over 50 pesos for both of you and get on". We did and he was right. It's almost embarassing to get a 5 mile ride for 63 cents apeice.

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