Sunday, October 30, 2011

Party time

It has been a 3 day whirlwind of fun. Friday night Bruce and Kelly had us over for a marvelous greek bar-b-que dinner.

Saturday we spent the afternoon at the beach watching the kite boarders. The experts are fun for the air time and stunts and the beginners are fun for the big splashes and crashes. Our favorite beach bar threw a Halloween party Saturday night. Mike and Marisol plus a young Swedish couple renting the other apartment and several of the neighbors showed up. It was karaoke night and several singers were very good, but one was so bad it was funny. I did not participate because I didn't want to make the bad one sound only next to the worst.

Sunday morning we strolled down the beach with Bruce and Kelly. Bruce and I were behind De Anne and Kelly. At one point our conversation mutually stopped so all attention could be focused on a somewhat common, but always riveting sight. Kelly turned around, smiled, and caught us looking at the nubile, young lady busy making sure her tan was even all over. Without further distraction we arrived at their favorite beach pub for Sunday brunch. Afterwards we did a little shopping and Bruce treated us to a real taxi ride. Everyone had their own seat and no chickens at all aboard!
Saturday kiters:
Waves slamming the reef:
Not too crowded for a Saturday:
Christine, our Swedish neighbor, as a pirate:
Sunday brunch view:
Kelly and Bruce's house:

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