Friday, June 15, 2012


The Manta ex-pat community is the largest one we have encountered yet. Most are Americans, with a few British and Europeans.

While it's never fair to generalize a group of people I will do so having given that cavet. Many of the ex-pats are here because of the climate, low cost-of-living, and have seen the bleak future of America and Europe.
It is also an informed group. At dinner one night early in our visit the topic turned to politics. I began to pontificate on the US Treasury auctions and the Federal Reserve QE (printing money) and the future effects of one hand selling the other IOU's from an expanding money base. I suddenly realized everyone at the table not only understood exactly what I was saying, but also agreed.

Our favorite ex-pat is Linda, who owns the huge beach house where we are staying.  She has two large studios on the first floor, her quarters and a dorm for kite surfers on the second floor, a budget room in back, plus 2 studios in a new attached wing of which we have the ground floor unit. Linda, acting as our unofficial tour guide, has driven us all over the area sightseeing and introduced us to dozens of ex-pats. She seems to have the role of Manta social director. When we mentioned we might like to come back for a three month stay next year she suggested we could work out a deal by De Anne and I running the place while she takes a vacation for 3 or 4 weeks. 

Linda on the right:

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