Saturday, June 16, 2012


The beach is all ours Monday through Friday, but on Saturday and Sunday the Ecuadorians flock to the beach. Parking attendants blow whistles and direct traffic for tips. Children in swimsuits, street clothes, or even pajamas play in the waves while adults lounge in beach chairs under rented awnings.
 We left the Santa Martenta beach scene for our usual Saturday lunch at the Manta beach. We exchanged goodbyes with our ex-pat friends and made promises to return soon.
We arrived back in time for the best whale show yet. Two humpbacks were competing to see which could jump the highest. That was followed by the tail slapping competition. They were also thoughtful enough to put on this display near shore. It was just an unbelievable 20 minute exhibition. We will go to high ground at the rocky point tomorrow morning and try to get some pictures.

 The month has gone by too quickly. Tomorrow we take a 4 hour bus ride to the big city. A 4 1/2 hour plane ride will put us back in the USA at 5:00 am Monday morning.

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