Friday, June 8, 2012


Inland we see donkeys and goats either next to the roads or in the road. When walking iguanas constantly scurry away from the threat we present.

The beach is the main place to observe the wildlife. Crabs are side-stepping everywhere. Diving birds, including the large frigate birds feed on fish.

We have spotted humpback whales. In fact, De Anne just interrupted my writing this blog entry to see a pod of whales playing. they were breaching and tail slapping a lot. It's an awesome sight to see 80,000 pound animals leap out of the water.

On the more distasteful side the ocean washed up some of the dead. Puffer fish die inflated. We have seen a huge moray eel with an impressive set of teeeth, a 2 foot sea turtle, 6 inch diameter sand dollars, and a swordfish. I have even kicked back a couple live fish who ventured too far in and washed ashore. 

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