Saturday, October 27, 2012

New guests

We have spent several days as Linda's sole guests; however, on Wednesday afternoon Dennis and Cheryl arrived from Canada. They had visited last spring and stayed with Linda for a month. They went back to Canada, sold everything, came back to Ecuador and are staying with Linda until their condo is ready.

To celebrate their return Linda called her friend Armando (age 80 something?) who owns a restaurant in the fishing village just south of us and made a reservation. The reservation was necessary because Armando is only open for lunch. He will stay open for Linda if she calls before 4:00 p.m.

The ladies ordered shrimp, I ordered the rice and clams, and Dennis got the most expensive item on the menu - grilled prawns at $13.50. Expecting the small clams we are use to in the states, I was surprised by huge clams that had to be quartered just to make them bite-sized. Next visit - I order the prawns!

Thursday was overcast, but since De Anne reported seeing a 5 foot monitor lizard on the cliff up the beach stalking a baby goat, I felt the need to investigate myself. We did catch a few fleeting glimpses of the goats but no predatory repitiles. We agreed the cooler weather might have kept the beast in his lair.

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