Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Beer run

Yesterday afternoon I went into town with Linda on a beer run to restock the cafe and to (finally!) pick up the second wireless router. First thing was to chase Mozzarella the cat off the car.

We picked up the router but the car would not start. I beat the terminals with the only tool available - a tire iron. Then a taxi driver offered a jump which did not work either. Linda called her mechanic, then walked over to SuperMaxi, leaving me with the car. While waiting for him I sat by the car on a low stone wall.

A man passing out brochures was working the parking lot and approached me. OK - I was looking a bit scruffy, with my dark tan, had on a white polo shirt, streaked with dirt from fiddling under the hood of the car, and lounging like a local. He came up to me, said a few words incomprehensible to me and handed me a brochure. After he strolled on I examined the flyer and realized it was about a school that teaches English. Once again proof that when separate from De Anne I sometimes pass for Hispanic.

 The mechanic arrived and got us going, but we had to follow him into the seedy side of town to buy a new battery. By that point we headed back to the beach and left the beer for another day.

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