Sunday, July 21, 2013


The Atlantic Wall museum and military site is just a few miles down the road from us. It was a warm, sunny day so of course we decided to creep through tunnels and bunkers. 

Most of the Belgium coast was fortified in WWI and WWII and looking carefully you can still see decayed concrete bunkers just peeking out from the dunes and shrubs all along the coast. This one area has been preserved and maintained as a snapshot in time.

I was quite struck by the effort and materials needed to fortify the coast and the elaborate brick tunnels honey combing the hills overlooking the sea. 

De Anne down the rabbit hole.

One of the big guns
Anti-aircraft support.

Command bunker.

I was quite appalled at the number of Lugers and MP 38 & 40's in the arms locker display just sitting there behind a glass wall. Then I noticed the original steel blast doors into the underground room were operational, then saw the discreet modern motion detectors and realized the arsenal was likely safe.

The view from the Atlantic Wall has changed a bit since 1942. Rommel reviewing the beach defenses.
.....and today.

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