Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday in the park

We went off the beaten path of most tourists today and spent the morning in Jardin des Plantes, which translates in English to "garden of plants". Sounds better in French.

It is not listed in the guide books, but it was close and a nice morning for a stroll. What a pleasant surprise. Paris, for all its cosmopolitan interests, does have large green spaces throughout the city.
Now, if I posted a picture of every statue I passed it would fill my fifty gigs of storage; however, this is one I really liked as a stopped action shot. Note the hunter has a cub tied to his waist. Mama bear has a dagger stuck in her neck while she has a death grip on the hunter. All are doomed.

We strolled the left bank headed home. Where the river splits, creating the two islands of original Paris, barge traffic waits for a green light to pass under the "one lane" bridge. Two commercial barges can be seen waiting and another two are upstream out of the picture. Note that using the white crane resting on deck that they can swing the rowboat in the water or the car on to land. There was a husband, wife and young son aboard, laundry drying on the stern, and curtains in the windows. A family works and lives on board. They were shipping a load of gravel.
Back home. Our courtyard door is the light wooden double doors between the green shaded fruit stand and La Petite Cafe. This is very typical for Paris. I wonder how many tourists, staying in hotels, never realize that these double doors (originally for horses and carriages) hide courtyards and home entrances for most Paris residents.

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