Sunday, July 24, 2011

Big brains

According to a study out of the University of Pittsburgh “ Healthy people who walk at least six miles a week have bigger brains, better memories and improved mental function compared with couch potatoes.”

This week I have hiked 18 miles. Monday 6, Wednesday 7, and today 5 miles. Of course, a heart attack might offset these brain improvements; however, barring that or falling off the cliffs along the roadside or getting splattered by a taxi, I think I feel smarter.

De Anne walks 3 times as much, so..... applying the aforementioned logic I am still a dunce next to her. OK, I hear the snickering, and was that an “amen!” in the back row?

Scenes from today's walk:

A stand of bamboo

Lazy flowers- can't even stand up!

Valcano Baru hidden by clouds. We hope to avoid a Pompeii moment. After all if we are dug up in 2,000 years I can imagine some PhD saying "Examining these two figures proves men got most of the food and women were forced to live on table scraps".

Sugarcane field

Looking down on Boquete. Also proof of my hill climbing. Some road side drop offs are steeper than this.

One lane is plenty

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