Monday, July 18, 2011

How old do you think I am?

De Anne and I were hiking (uphill) when we were stopped by 2 Panamanian ladies. After a few pleasantries one turned to me, pointed to her friend and asked the question all men dread “How old do you think she is? After rapidly performing the necessary mental calculations all men learn the hard way – namely, perform an honest evaluation then subtract 20% , I answered 28. Both maintained a poker face and the questioner compounded my discomfort by asking “How old do you think I am?” Now I was boxed in because she looked a little older than her friend. In a true male performance I pretended to study her while trying to figure a way out of this trap. I took the cowards way out and answered, “You both look the same age”. It turned out both were in their early 40's so I was allowed to leave without creating an international crisis.

Happy with my narrow escape we hiked further up the hill. A man stopped us and wanted to practice his English. Once again, after pleasantries, came THE question “How old do you think I am?” Now I was on safe ground guessing a man's age. I studied him, noted he was walking difficult terrain, and answered 60. I missed by 27 years – he was 87!

As we continued on we discussed and decided that the moisturizing effects of the rain forest, lack of much direct sunlight, and walking hills every day must have some rejuvenatory effect. On the way down she was looking at every For Sale and For Rent sign.

Kids on the road:

Not an uncommon sight:

This castle is real- turrets on each corner and battlement walls 12 feet high. Ready for the end of civilization:

....and speaking of civilization.... one of the 3 main streets in town:

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