Thursday, July 7, 2011

Uphill and down

De Anne rousted me early this morning for my longest hike yet. The only redeeming factor about marching my massive bulk 3 miles uphill is that the return trip is gravity-assisted.

We took several “Y's” and at each one the road got progressively narrower, until we were on a road that required us to step off whenever a vehicle approached. Since vehicles in Panama have abbreviated exhaust systems you can hear them coming and smell them going.

We (actually I) declared the uphill portion of the hike complete at a quaint (read dilapidated) steel, suspension bridge. I walked across gingerly feeling the steel plates rock under my feet. My comfort was having seen a car cross it a few minutes before; however, if it had been my car I would have had the passengers get out and walk across to lessen the vehicle weight.

We stopped for a break near the bridge at a volcanic rock formation. I have seen a similar, but much larger formation at Devil's Post Piles in Mammoth Lakes CA.
Some tourists were being guided on a rock climbing adventure, but the high-light was watching the guide free climb to install the safety rope for the others.

We completed our trek with a stop at the grocery store. When you want bread you pick up a metal tray and tongs then go to the bread shelf and load your breads and pastries onto the tray. The lady behind the counter wraps them and you pay on the spot, then continue your shopping. I always buy the one Diet Coke sitting on the soft drink shelf. Because so many Panamanians spend half their income on food I suspect that spending money on non-caloric food is a frivolous waste and Diet Coke tops the frivolous list. You can buy 2 pounds of rice or 3 loafs of bread for the price of a 2 liter bottle.

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