Thursday, August 15, 2013

Along the waterfront

This in no way implies anything wrong with Miracle Beach, just a few hundred yards from our apartment, but we decided a hike to the next beach over would be fun. The walk took us past some very nice homes. 

Almost everyone in Tarragona lives in a 4 to 7 story apartment building. This density is why in a town of 100,000 people everything is within walking distance. Until I realized we were in a neighborhood of single family homes, this thought had not surfaced.

These homes all overlooked the sea.
The other beach. Looks a lot like ours, maybe a little older crowd.
After siesta we strolled the commercial docks to watch the fisherman come in with their catch.
Biggest, newest fishing boat.
Also new on the docks was this Spanish supply/salvage ship.
This morning, as part of the festival, a raft race was held on our beach. A motley collection of homemade rafts of dubious design. There was more swimming than paddling.

Contestants start to gather.
Spoiler alert. The winner was the blue water jug raft.
.....and they're off.....
Winners and losers all having fun.

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