Saturday, August 3, 2013


It was time to get beyond the beach and downtown. Walking the boardwalk we set out for the point shown in a previous beach picture. Having a choice between the high road or the rocky path, we selected the path.
At the point.
Opting to push on we found a maze of dirt paths, but always drawn back to the water.
Returning to the edge of civilization we stumbled across this out of the way park. Even out on the edge of the city no dollars were spared. Note the mosaic in the sidewalk.

It was delightful to sit on a bench in the shade enjoying the immaculate landscaping with the sea in the background. Alas, my perpetual motion spouse indicated it was time to move on. She did, generously, offer the option of retracing our steps or taking a nearby bridge across the train tracks back into town. After 30 plus years of marriage I knew the correct answer. Always take the road not yet traveled.

I was rewarded with praise for my endurance as we trekked back to the apartment completing a six mile hike.

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