Monday, August 12, 2013

Run down

Sunday morning De Anne suggested we walk out to the lighthouse at the entrance to the commercial harbor. I agreed with some hesitation because from the shore you can hardly see it. The passage from town to the harbor area is accessed by a tunnel under the railroad tracks. It is quite a nice wide tunnel with handicap elevators at both ends and escalators. 

Emerging from the tunnel we found half the town watching a triathlon. We doggedly continued our walk out the causeway even through it put us in the bike portion of the event.

At the beginning of the causeway.
Fighting traffic in two directions.
Goal reached.

The swimming event.
Some folks needed help. Note one on the stretcher and another ambulance ready.

Sunday turned out to be a holiday and all the stores were closed. I offered to take De Anne out for dinner, but she managed to put a dinner together while I checked the Internet for any more surprise holidays that could upset her grocery shopping plans.

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